Modul bpr 200m lan modul deteksi sing seimbang 350m, kanthi karakteristik swara sing dhuwur lan kurang saka rasio nolak mode lan mode deteksi sing dhuwur bisa menehi asil output sing beda-beda kanggo syarat-syarat pelanggan. It is very suitable for coherent detection systems such as coherent Doppler wind radar.
ROF Optik Modulator 1064NM Low VPI Fase Modulator Electro Optic Modulator
Rof(2V), kerugian sisipan sing rendah, bandwidth dhuwur, karakteristik kekuwatan sing dhuwur saka kekuwatan optik, chirp ing sistem komunikasi optik tinggi, shift simulasi sistem komunikasi optik, sbs), lsp.
Seri Rof-DML SEALOG WBEET LASTCTIK LAGU-DIROCTIGAL MADALLED (DML), MODER MODERN FORLEED LASER (ATC) kanthi otomatis, lan ATC response, providing superior linear fiber communication for a variety of analog broadband microwave applications. By avoiding the use of expensive coaxial cables or waveguides, the transmission distance limit is eliminated, greatly improving the signal quality and reliability of microwave communication, and can be widely used in remote wireless, timing and reference signal distribution, telemetry and delay lines and other microwave communication fields.