Photodek Photolancher avalanche Photoodies Gratis Fotor Foton Detector
Produk iki minangka band cahya sing katon foton (fotodetector). Piranti inti nggunakake Siapd, nggabungake teknologi optik, struktural, listrik lan piranti lunak sing dhuwur, pangopènan deteksi sing dhuwur, pangopènan kuwat lan adaptasi lingkungan sing kuwat. Iki digunakake ing lapangan layar tunggal, deteksi fluorescence, prayoga photo imaging lan distribusi kuantum. Produk iki nggunakake foto Avalanche sing digunakake ing mode Geiger kanggo deteksi foto siji ing gelombang sing katon. Antarane, efisiensi deteksi khas 850nm Photon yaiku> 50%, count peteng
<150cps, sawise pulsa ≤5.5%, wektu Jitter <500ps. Kajaba iku, kanggo skenario aplikasi tartamtu, dhukungan kanggo suhu target kulkas, wektu mati lan paramèter fungsi konfigurasi pangguna kanggo nguatake efisiensi deteksi lan pratondho tartamtu liyane. -
PhotoDetector rof 200m fotodetector avalanche Photodiode Detector avalanche PhotoDetector
Photedetector Sensitector sing dhuwur dumadi saka seri ROF-Apr apd Photoelector (modul deteksi fotoelektrik) lan macem-macem jinis semen efektifitas lan bisa nyedhiyakake macem-macem paket sensitivitas kanthi syarat pelanggan.
Rof optik rof avalanche modul fotodetektor apd photoDetector
Photodetectectory Sensitector sing dhuwur banget dumadi saka seri ROF-Apr sing Apd Apd Photoelector (Modul Sensitivitas HSP sing dhuwur) lan macem-macem macem-macem paket sensitivitas lan bisa menehi macem-macem jinis paket miturut syarat pelanggan.
ROF Sensitivity Tinggi Modul Lampu Deteksi Lampu Lampu Avalanche PhotoDetector
Photodetectectory Sensitector sing dhuwur banget dumadi saka seri ROF-Apr sing Apd Apd Photoelector (Modul Sensitivitas HSP sing dhuwur) lan macem-macem macem-macem paket sensitivitas lan bisa menehi macem-macem jinis paket miturut syarat pelanggan.
ROF -BPR series of balanced light detection module (balanced photodetector Silicon Photodetector)integrates two matching photodiode and an ultra-low noise transimpedance amplifier, effectively reducing the laser noise and common mode noise, improving the system's noise ratio, having a variety of spectral response optional , Low noise, high gain, easy to use and so on, Mainly being used for spectroscopy, Deteksi heterodyne, pangukuran wektu tundha optik, tomografi koherik optik lan lapangan liyane.
Modul deteksi sing seimbang (fotodetector sing dhuwur) dioptimalake sistem Oct (SS-Noise Generasi dhuwur lan karakteristik sing dhuwur-dhuwur, lan output monitor sing dhuwur (nganti 10vpP). The detector is available at DC-400MHz, 500K-1GHz, 500K-1.6GHz and is optimized for 1064nm and 1310nm wavelengths.
Rofea mandhiri foto foto integrensial ngembangake foto amplier sing murah, nalika nyedhiyakake macem-macem produk, kanggo pangguna riset ilmiah nyedhiyakake layanan kustomisasi produk, dhukungan teknis lan layanan penjualan sing cocog. The current product line includes: analog signal photodetector with amplification, gain adjustable photodetector, high speed photodetector, High Speed InGaAs Photodetector, snow market detector (APD), balance detector, Low Noise Photodetector, Low Noise PIN Photoreceiver, etc.
- Rofea mandhiri foto foto integrensial ngembangake foto amplier sing murah, nalika nyedhiyakake macem-macem produk, kanggo pangguna riset ilmiah nyedhiyakake layanan kustomisasi produk, dhukungan teknis lan layanan penjualan sing cocog. Garis produk saiki kalebu: Photo Signal Analog kanthi Amplification, entuk foto sing bisa luwes, fotoletektor kacepetan dhuwur, Photo Speedetector High HighOdetector, Fotodetector Cepet Speedetector, Detector Pasar Salju (APD), etcektur Balance, lsp.